I yield to temptation yet again this honey-mellow winter morning.
Of cooking with oranges.
Plump luscious oranges, as fresh as they can be, sinfully sweet with just a hint of tart.
And a perfume that’s sublime to speak the least.
So here’s another quintessential Bengali classic. Kheer Komola. Milk languorously stewed over a fatigued fire for hours. A generous throw of orange segments and a kiss of orange juice. A patient wait for the milk to soak up all that blessed fragrance from the citrus.
Ridiculously simple. Yet divine.
Enjoy !!!

Kheer Komola
Kheer Komola. Milk stewed for hours. A generous throw of orange segments and a kiss of orange juice. All that blessed fragrance from the citrus. Divine !!
- 2 lit milk
- 3 oranges peeled and the segments separated
- 1/4 cup fresh orange juice
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 2 tsp orange zest
- Pour the milk into a heavy bottomed saucepan, simmer over a low flame till the milk reduces to almost one third in volume. Stir in between.
- Once the milk has reduced, add in the sugar. Give it a hearty stir, if you like it sweeter, feel free to indulge - add some more sugar !!
- Allow the milk to cool to room temperature. Stir in the orange juice, add the orange zest and the orange segments. Give it a gentle mix.
- Refrigerate at least for 2-3 hours. Serve chilled.
Hi can I add jaggery to it instead of white sugar ?
Of course you can 🙂
Yes you can :). But jaggery might change the colour of your kheer.
Where’s rice in this? I guess kheer means it involves rice
Kheer in Bengal is made with reduced milk. No rice is added.